World Insurance buys HML Brokerage

Since its founding in 2011, World Insurance said it has completed more than 250 acquisitions. The company provides services for various sectors, including personal and commercial insurance, employee and executive benefits, retirement planning and financial planning, as well as human capital management solutions. 

Mangrove Property gets approval to begin writing home insurance in Florida

Before founding Mangrove, Weinstein served as general counsel and secretary at RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd. for nearly 20 years, before retiring in 2020. His career focused on Florida property insurance, and he remains active in global and Bermuda reinsurance markets. Weinstein is chair of Itasca Re Ltd., a Bermuda specialty reinsurer, and was a former chair … Read more

RenaissanceRe reports strong 2024 growth despite Q4 losses

“At the January 1 renewal, our long-term partnership approach was rewarded with preferential signings across our business, and we retained our attractive underwriting book. Looking forward, we believe our strong capital and liquidity positions will allow us to capture additional opportunities, bolstering our leadership position and generating superior shareholder value,” O’Donnell said.